FFA's, Safelists and Email Marketing |
Sunday, March 18, 2007 |
When people post their ads to FFA sites, good sites will make them verify their email addresses before they will allow them to post their ad. This makes sure that there is someone real owning that address.
Not all FFA sites do this. So if you look for FFA sites, make sure they work like that. Ok.. on with the story.
As I mentioned I started out with safelists and slid into FFA sites. I ha-ve to tell you that when I started to use FFA sites, things picked up. Not posting to them, but being a member and hosting and getting folks to post to my site. It wasn't a flood of bus-iness but it was bus-iness.
In the beginning, I heard of tracking, but I didn't take the time to do it. Bottom line was, I wasn't sure where my sales were coming from. To give you an example, I jo-ined say 100 safelists and became a member of 6 or 7 FFA pro-grams. To top it off, I was changing my ads every couple days thinking my ad wasn't good enough.
To say I was confused as to where my customers were coming from is an understatement. To add to the confusion, I was constantly trying new sites to ad-vertise with.
The question came to mind, are these ne-w things I am trying even worth the mon-ey I was spending on them ? Was spending 30 bucks a month to ad-vertise to 6 billion people a day really working ? I had no way of knowing.
So I bit the bullet and went thru the hassle of setting up ad tracking links for everything. The work was eye opening. Whenever I tried something ne-w to ad-vertise with, I would make a tracking link for that one pro-gram. I would also put that link in several different ads and use each ad for a week or so. At the end of three weeks i would get a result on which ad worked and if anything even worked at that ne-w pro-gram.
Let me tell you what I found out.
Everytime I tried something that offered to send out millions of emails for me, the results were ZERO everytime. The pro-grams that offered up 100 to 1000 addresses to send to, almost always worked. The best were the pro-grams that sent me 100 to 400 addresses a day.
Then it came to me. Ho-w on earth could anyone send out 2 million ads a day for me. The internet won't let that happen. Then toss in the fact that probably thousands of other people jo-ined the same pro-gram I did and they had to send millions of emails on their behalf also. Think about that.
If one company was to try and send out a billion emails a day, they would be blocked by every ISP in the world the very first day they did that. If you think about that, it makes a bunch of sense. Those pro-grams are lying to me. There is no way they can deliver what they are pro-moting. They are flat out the biggest sc-ams out there.
So.. thru the use of ad trackers and the results they gave me, I soon learned that if it looks to good to be true, it usually is. I stopped spending mon-ey on the wild claims that just didn't make common sense. I focused on the ones that seemed real and the trackers told me were getting me hits.
After all that work, I ended up with a small group of FFA sites and a couple of safelist groups that were getting results. That in a nutshell was what started my internet career on the right path. It wasn't a landslide of results, but the results kept creeping in.
So when it comes to ad-vertising and spending mon-ey on ad-vertising, don't get hauled in by the ones who offer mil-lions of leads. It just can't happen, period.
Before we move on, I want to mention something that really helped me and my bus-iness take off.
Something called signature messages. Signature messages are those little blurbs of info at the bottom of emails you get. Short and usually to the point.
Most email accounts will allow you to set up a signature message that will be placed at the end of every email you send out. You make the message one time and that message will be included with every email you send.. automatically with no work on your part.
This may not seem like much, but when I set up a signature message and used an ad tracking link, I was shocked at ho-w often folks would click that message link.
Thomas Richmond
HTTP://OJEEZ.COM/TMOBIL8Labels: email marketing, ffa's, safelists
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